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Fertility preservation - keeping your options open

A reassuring option if you think you might like to start a family sometime in the future.

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Why preserve your fertility?

Sometimes life doesn't turn out exactly like you imagine. Here, we look at some of the reasons that you might want to consider fertility preservation.

Egg freezing

Egg freezing

What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing is a great way to keep your options open for a later baby. As you age, the quality of your eggs declines, but when your eggs are frozen, their age is 'frozen in time'.  If you're not in a position to try for a baby now, egg freezing may be an option to help preserve your fertility. More...

Freezing options

  • eggs
  • embryos
  • ovarian tissue

Sperm freezing

Sperm freezing

Why freeze and store sperm?

Sperm can be frozen and stored long-term for people who face losing their fertility due to some medical treatments.

Another reason for freezing sperm is for people who think their fertility may decline before they are ready to have children, or even as ‘insurance’ before a vasectomy.

Sperm freezing is very straightforward and many people will have enough sperm in one ejaculate for several IVF cycles. More...

Freezing options

  • sperm
  • testicular tissue



We proudly assist LGBTTQI+ families in their journey towards parenthood, offering a range of services tailored to their unique needs. Whether it's fertility preservation of gametes, the use of sperm donors, egg donors, or even surrogacy, our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. More...

Freezing options

  • sperm
  • eggs

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